How I Plan to Fuel My NaNoWriMo Adventure


Coffee company social media vixen by day, aspiring writer and infinity scarf enthusiast by night. Hello, nice to meet you.

I’ve wanted to do a NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, for all you noobs) for years. I come up with an amazing idea, think to myself, “This will change the world!” and then silently sleep through November.

Yeah, I’m pretty much a noob as well. But this year is going to be different! I’m going to shake the noob status and level up to writer extraordinaire.

NaNoWriMo Noobie TipsThat’s why I have a plan. Just a few key goals and tricks to help me power through the month and keep on track.

A Noobie’s Plan to Make the Best of NaNoWriMo

  1. Drink Plenty of Water.

    Hydration is key at all times, but I anticipate a lot of sitting and snacking during this time. I need to keep my mind and body clear in order to get throught he writer’s block that will inevitably come.

  2. Snackage.

    While I’m tempted to hit up Kroger for the day after Halloween candy sale, I’m going to limit myself. Plus, with Thanksgiving to look forward to, I’m going to need to pace myself. It’s almost like the founders of NaNoWriMo knew that writers would need good fuel and good times to get through the month. I’m going to stock up on the Sabra dips and carrot sticks. I can’t get bogged down in a sugar coma. No matter how much I love Snickers.

  3. Caffeine.

    I can’t get through a normal morning without my coffee, so why would NaNoWriMo be any different? The only thing is that I usually work best with tea, not coffee. If anyone finds a coupon for Tazo’s Earl Grey, I would be ever so grateful.

  4. Leaning on Other Writers for Support.

    It’s a given. While there is the whole goal of getting your story out there and accomplishing something huge, I want to create something worth submitting! Or at least something I can give to a friend without feeling like a lackluster loser with a poor vocabulary. Looking for a group of writers to commune is incredibly important. Going it alone would be like running a race alone, without a training team or water.

  5. Shoot for the Moon, Land Among the Stars. Just Keep Swimming. All That Jazz.

    I need to remember that my first draft and my last draft are going to be hugely different, and hopefully better. If I just keep going, give myself a pep talk, and be realistic, I’m sure I will get through this. I need to remember that I amĀ not going to be the next Meg Cabot or Keira Cass or J.K. Rowling… I’m going to be me and my writing is going to be an extension of that.